Blueprint’s Mathematics Lab Manual is a series of 7 books for classes 6 to 12, which integrates the concepts of mathematics with a practical and comprehensive learning approach. The content ingrained in the series is well-researched, optimally represented and up-to-date according to the syllabus.
- Innovative and thorough explanation of the activities.
- Clear and lucid usage of language, terminology and expressions.
- Instantaneous description of the concepts, currently being discussed, through formulae, equations, definitions and expressions.
- Appropriately illustrated and labelled diagrams, graphs, and charts which provide real-time ideology and experience of the theoretical explanation.
- Procedural description of the activity in a sequential manner.
- Viva Voce questions consist of the frequently asked and relevant questions.
- MCQs, along with the answers, for continuous analysis of the learners.
- Fact Cart represents interesting facts and information about famous scientists, mathematicians, researchers and inventors of various laws and formulae of mathematics.
- Appendices enlist important mathematical formulae and terms along with
their definitions for replenishing concepts related to the subject. - Suggested Projects develop a sense of extrapolation by enhancing the logical, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the learners and facilitating them to practice more ‘n’ more.
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